Thursday 7 July 2011

Yellowstone National Park visitor killed by grizzly bear

A man was killed by a mother grizzly at Yellowstone in Wyoming, Wednesday, after he and his wife apparently surprised the bear and her cubs. The fatal mauling comes just days after an Exxon Mobil pipeline ruptured, spilling as many as 42,000 gallons of oil into Montana’s Yellowstone River before the flow stopped.(yellowstone national park,yellowstone,grizzly bear)

Park officials said they have not caught the bear that killed the 57-year-old man, whose name has not been released. The bear will not be killed, as it acted in a natural way, protecting her cubs.

The trail near the attack was closed, officials said, and a sign has been posted warning hikers. But officials do not want to dissuade people from coming to the park.

“This is a wild and natural park,” Diane Shober, director of the state Wyoming Travel and Tourism agency, told the Associated Press. “At the same time, the likelihood of this happening again is small.”

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